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How to search for and rent housing / 家を探すとき、借りるとき

Commercially available housing (housing rented out by companies or individuals)

A real estate agent is the most convenient way to find housing that has been made available to rent by companies or individuals. If you tell the real estate company the kind of property you're looking for (see below), they'll help you find it.
Desired conditions:

  • Rent (the amount of money you pay each month to live in the property)
  • Layout, size
  • When the property is available, etc.

A joint guarantor (rentai hoshounin) will be required for the rental contract. 
Joint guarantor: Someone who is responsible for paying rent etc. in the event that the person renting the property stops paying. There are situations where a joint guarantor may not be required.

When you rent a property, you will also be required to pay a security deposit (shikikin), key money (reikin), a commission charge, etc.

  • Security deposit: Money collected by the owner of the property when the rental contact is signed. It is approximately 1 to 2 month's worth of rent. It will be refunded to you when you leave the property. If you haven't paid the rent or the property requires repairs, this money will be subtracted from the security deposit. Any remaining money will be returned to you.
  • Key money: Money paid to the owner of the property when the rental contract is signed. It is 1 to 2 month's worth of rent. This will not be refunded to you when you move out.
  • Commission charge: Money paid to the real estate agent for their services. This money is paid to the real estate agent when the rental contract is signed. It will be approximately 1 month's rent



  • 家賃(家を借りるときに払う1か月分のお金)
  • 間取り、広さ
  • 住み始める日など



  • 敷金:家を借りる契約をするときに、家の持ち主に預けるお金です。家賃の1か月から2か月分くらいです。借りた家から引っ越すときに、家の持ち主が借りた人にお金を返します。家を借りた人が払っていない家賃がある場合や家の修理が必要なときは、敷金から引かれます。残ったお金は家を借りた人に返されます。
  • 礼金:家を借りる契約するときに、家の持ち主に払うお金です。家賃の1か月分から2か月分です。
  • 仲介料:不動産会社に家を紹介してもらい、家を借りる契約ができたときに不動産会社に払うお金です。家賃の1か月分くらいです。

Public Housing

The prefectural and municipal governments making housing and apartments available to rent. You need to meet certain conditions to live in public housing. Contact the following groups directly for more information.

  • Ashiya Shiei Jutaku-Jutaku Kanri Center (Housing Management Center, Ashiya City Operated Housing): 0797-38-2026
  • Hyogo Ken-ei Jutaku-Hanshin Jimusho (Hanshin Office, Hyogo Prefectural Government Operated Housing): 0798-63-4333
  • UR (Urban Renaissance Agency) Kobe Operations Center: 078-251-4075



  • 芦屋市営住宅 住宅管理センター:0797-38-2026
  • 兵庫県営住宅 阪神事務所:0798-63-4333
  • UR(都市再生機構)神戸営業センター:078-251-4075






Planning Department
Public Relations and International Exchange Section
International Exchange Subsection
Phone 0797-38-2008
FAX 0797-38-2152
