ホーム > くらし > 国際交流 > Take precautions for boars, raccoons, and yellow hornets/ イノシシ、アライグマ、スズメバチに注意してください



Take precautions for boars, raccoons, and yellow hornets/ イノシシ、アライグマ、スズメバチに注意してください

Pay attention when going outdoors! / 出かけるときには注意してください

Inquiries: Regional Economy Promotion Section

Do not feed boars!

Feeding boars may lead them to come into urban areas and gardens of the residents. They may eat garbage, attack pet dogs and bite people carrying plastic shopping bags. Make sure to take out garbage at designated times and places. Boars are quiet animals and very rarely attack other animals. Beware when they are accompanied by young boars or wounded, though. If they face or seem to approach you, do not run away, just wave your arms to drive them away.




When spotting a raccoon (Araiguma)

Tell your local community association to call the Regional Economy Promotion Section. An elimination/extermination team of the Hunting Public Service Association will be dispatched after some required legal proceedings. *Even if they are harmful, there is a fine for capturing birds and animals without permission.

Raccoons are active at night and have a very rough nature. When you spot one keep away from it. Please cooperate by
“not feeding raccoons, not littering with pet food or leftovers, and disposing of garbage at collection points and at designated times”.





Yellow Hornets

Hornets, honeybees and other communal bees are sensitive to the color black and to moving things, and react instinctively and aggressively to defend themselves. They are believed to breed more easily at the beginning of spring when there is little rain. Hornets may also more likely to attack people talking loudly and moving near their hives in September and October.

How to prevent getting stung by hornets

  1. When hiking in the fields or mountains, minimize your exposure, wear a light-colored long-sleeved shirt, a hat and
    gloves, and avoid black clothing, which attracts bees.
  2. Keep in mind that bees are highly sensitive to the smell of perfume and hairdressing products.
  3. Avoid arousing a bee hive. Get away as quickly as possible.
  4. When exposed to bees, swatting them may cause them to sting.
  5. Crouch down not to attract attention (bees will lose sight of you and you won’t get stung).
  6. When you find bees indoors or inside a car, wait until they get out. Bees tend to move towards bright spots, so if you leave them undisturbed they will usually go out. Avoid swatting or chasing them.
  7. If you end up getting stung, immediately cool the area of sting and look for medical help.





  1. 山をハイキングするときは長い袖の白い服を着て、帽子をかぶり、手袋をしましょう。
  2. 香水や整髪料の臭いに反応するので注意する。
  3. 巣を刺激しない。できるだけ速く、巣から離れる。
  4. ハチを振りはらわない。(飛んできたハチを手ではらうと、ハチは攻撃されたと判断します。)
  5. 姿勢を低くする。(相手がどこにいるか、わからなくなり、おそって来ない。)
  6. 部屋や車のなかにハチが入ったときは、窓を開けてハチが外に出て行くのを待つ。ハチは明るい方向に向かう性質があります。そっとしておけば、出て行きます。たたいたり追い掛け回さないようにしてください。
  7. ハチに刺されたときは、刺された場所を冷やし、すぐに病院に行ってください。

Yellow Hornets/スズメバチ






Planning Department
Public Relations and International Exchange Section
International Exchange Subsection
Phone 0797-38-2008
FAX 0797-38-2152
