ホーム > くらし > 国際交流 > Living information/生活ガイド > How to Dispose Garbage / ごみの出し方
Inquiries: Environmental Facilities Section 0797-32-5391
Garbage must be placed at the collection site by a fixed time on a specific day, depending on the type of garbage. Please do not take out the garbage after the collectors have passed, on days other than the collection days, or at night.
Please see "Ashiya City Domestic Garbage Handbook (English Version)" for rules on how to dispose of garbage and other items that require a fee and advanced application.
"Ashiya City Domestic Garbage Handbook (English Version)" is available at Refuse Disposal Center (Environmental Facilities Section), Public Relations and International Exchange Section (City Hall, North Wing, 3rd floor) and Shio-Ashiya Exchange Center.
"Ashiya City Domestic Garbage Handbook (English Version)" (open link in new window)(PDF:1,187KB) (We are currently updating a new version.)
Garbage Seperation English(PDF:1,988KB)(別ウィンドウが開きます)
쓰레기 분별(PDF:1,962KB)(別ウィンドウが開きます)
Phân loại rác(PDF:1,958KB)(別ウィンドウが開きます)
फोहर मैला छुट्याउन(PDF:4,993KB)(別ウィンドウが開きます)
From October 2023, please use Ashiya City's newly designated garbage bags.
La municipalidad de Ashiya comunica que a partir del mes de Octubre del 2023, las bolsas de basura tendrán una nueva presentación, un nuevo diseño. Todas las personas que vivan en Ashiya deben usar éstas bolsas.
Gracias por su comprensión y cuidado con nuestra ciudad.
A partir de outubro de 2023 ,por favor usar os novos sacos de lixos designados para os residentes da cidade de Ashiya.
Bắt đầu từ tháng 10/2023, hãy sử dụng túi rác chỉ định của TP Ashiya.
How to dispose garbage in multiple languages.(link to external website:open link in new window)(外部サイトへリンク)(別ウィンドウが開きます)
問い合わせ:環境施設課 0797-32-5391
詳しいごみの出し方の決まりは、「家庭ごみハンドブック」を見てください。「家庭ごみハンドブック」は、環境処理センター、広報国際交流課(市役所 北館3階)、潮芦屋交流センターに置いてあります。
Inquiries: Garbage Collection Section 0797-22-2155
Collection days differ depending on the type of garbage. They also differ depending on the area you're living in.
Please check collection dates on the following calender
問い合わせ:収集事業課 0797-22-2155